Tram Town
Friday, April 13, 2007
Category: Ejukashun
Once more during an election year the AEU is funding a campaign to discredit our governments' methods of education funding. The simple fact is that to compare how much funding is provided to students in government schools with that provided to students in private schools you have to sum funding from all levels of government. From The Australian:
But overall, government schools receive a higher level of government funding than private schools. Sixty-seven per cent of students are in government schools that receive 75 per cent of total taxpayer funding. And under the Howard Government's funding formula, which is based on income demographics for the school catchment, the poorest non-government schools can receive a maximum of 70 per cent of the taxpayer funding provided per government school student, with a sliding scale down to a minimum of 13.7 per cent.
Read it all and keep the link handy in case you get into a barney with somebody who believes what the teachers at the AEU tell them.

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